The LILITH Collection

Liberating the dark divine feminine

Dare To Be Unapologetically You. Rise From The Ashes of Sexual Oppression. Own your Sovereign Power.

Lilith knows no shame

unleashing the fierce spirit of women who dare to own their sexuality, burn the “good girl” script and embody their sovereign queen.

When you’re ready to embrace your dark feminine Goddess era, and liberate your sovereign sexual power. The Bold Black Obsidian Lilith collection is your powerful ally. Channel the fierce energy of Lilith to reclaim your truth, ignite your inner fire, and burn away all that no longer serves you. This collection empowers you to explore the untamed wildness of your dark side, setting you free to embody your most sovereign, unapologetic and unique Self.

Embrace the rebirth and let Lilith guide you to your True, Liberated Power.

Who Is Lilith?

Lilith, Adam's first wife in the garden of eden, wasn't willing to be obedient…

—she was born from the same earth. Although, he tried to have her bow to his will, she refused. She fled Eden to the “underworld” where she could be free; the first woman, demonized for her defiance. Across history and sacred texts, from the Torah to the Bible, Lilith has been portrayed as a demon. But Lilith knows no shame, unleashing the fierce spirit of women who dare to own their sexuality, burn the “good girl” script, embody their Sovereign Queen and live True to their own sacred free will. 

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian Healing Properties

Deep Emotional Healing: Helps release past traumas and emotional blockages.

Powerful Protection: Shields against negative energies and psychic attacks.

Grounding Energy: Anchors you to the Earth, fostering stability and strength.

Clears Negativity: Purifies and detoxifies the mind, body, and spirit.

Promotes Clarity: Enhances insight and self-awareness, revealing hidden truths.

Facilitates Transformation: Encourages personal growth and breaking old patterns.